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Dragon Ball, why Bills did nothing when Majin buu appeared?

bills god of destruction

The emergence and incorporation of the Gods of destruction brought with it some important changes in the plot line of the Dragon Ball anime. We say this, as destructive gods are in charge of maintaining the balance of the universe by destroying planets to maintain a balance in force. They can also use their powers to eliminate threats if it is necessary.

However, when Majin Buu emerged as a real threat to the 7th Universe, Bills did not intervene.

Why did not Bills do anything against Buu?

In the first place, the gods of destruction would surely not be in the mind of Akira Toriyama at the time of the creation of the Buu saga. However, the following explanation fits with what was presented in the plot arc of the series. A first reason why Bills did not intervene, is that he was sleeping. Recall that he did for several decades before being awakened by Wiss at his request for a premonitory dream he had. However, this is not enough reason because, if the balance of the Universe or his own life was in danger, Bills should have been awakened by Wiss. But this did not happen at all in the Buu saga.

Although the Kaio Shin was about to die in that saga, managed to survive and with few forces went in search of Gohan. With respect to the Universe, although it was threatened did not get to suffer great damages beyond that the Earth was destroyed and that Majin Buu began to destroy everything in the other world. Perhaps Wiss waited until the situation was totally uncontrollable to wake Bills since the destruction of the earth is not enough to wake the God. For this reason Bills never learned everything Majin Buu did and Wiss never came to wake him up.

Maybe (one day we'll know), Wiss was about to wake him up, especially when Kaio Shin almost died or when Majin Buu started to destroy everything in the other world, but did not get to do it since Bills woke up time after that . This was the only real threat that had Universe 7 while Bills slept, although Freezer and Cell were great threats neither wanted the destruction of the Universe nor even came close to making it.

Here I leave you a video about a theory about the power of Bills and the super saiyajin god:

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